Wildfire Danger Level For:
September 18, 2024
Low Fire Danger
- Fires do not start easily and those that do start tend to spread slowly.
- Fires in forests tend to spread irregularly with flames of less than one foot.
- Fires in dry grass spread steadily with flames slightly less than or equal to the height of the grass.
- Shrubs within the grass may not burn readily.
- Embers from the fires rarely start additional fires and tree crowns generally do not ignite.
Projected burn dates are March 1 through June 15 and October 15 through December 15. These dates are subject to change due to weather conditions.
During the projected fire season (July 15th through October 14th) Molalla Fire District has the authority to prohibit agricultural burning when there is a bona fide fire danger.
If any two factors apply, Molalla Fire District will issue a Fire Danger Burn Ban:
- Predicted temperature 85 degrees or higher
- Predicted humidity of 25% or less
- Predicted winds 10 MPH or higher
Within three (3) miles of the Molalla City Limits or inside the special DEQ control area:
Outside Three (3) miles of the Molalla City Limits or outside of the special control area:
Domestic open burning, including a burn barrel or incinerator, with a valid Fire permit. Burning may only be conducted on days approved by DEQ and Molalla Fire District.
food, or of any other material which normally emits dense smoke or noxious odors.
- A garden hose connected to a water supply or other approved fire-extinguishing equipment shall be readily available for use at any burning site.
- Burning material shall beconstantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire-extinguishing equipment required by Sec 307.5 of the 2014 OFC and be familiar with the permit limitations which restrict open burning.
- An attendant shall supervise the burning material until the firehas been extinguished.
- Molalla Fire District is authorized to require that open burning be immediately discontinued if atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous. (2014 OFC 307.1.1,& 307.3). The offence(s) may be referred to DEQ for further action.
Prior to burning call:
As of June 15th, 2024 – Outdoor Burning is CLOSED. Please check back in October.