The Molalla Rural Fire Protection District #73 serves a growing, changing community. From our early days as an all-volunteer fire department to today’s combination career and volunteer District providing Advanced Life Support, ambulance transport, and modern fire suppression response, we have always strived to provide excellence in emergency response. We challenge our membership to seek new and inventive ways to improve our technology, training, and service level. We accomplish this through community support, relationships with local, State, Federal partners and grant funding opportunities.
Every member of the Molalla Fire District, the Board of Directors and the Budget Committee strive to be fiscally responsible with the public’s monies through a conservative budget and are always looking for what is best for the community and the District as a whole. We value properly maintained equipment and facilities, efficiently used by well-trained volunteers and staff to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost.
We will continue to do whatever it takes to ensure swift, professional response to fire and medical emergencies and strive to be appropriately scaled to the changing growing community we serve.